Starfinder Miniatures Wave 3 is coming
Our orbital delivery system has been halted recently due to the global pandemic, however, restrictions are slowing lifting and thus we have been hard at work getting the next wave of Strafinder minis made.
Named Starfighter, this wave will include pilots and champions from the Starfinder range but will not have any Archon exclusive minis this time. If you are a backer of Starfinder and want all of the minis in this wave, all you have to do is purchase any one and you will get all of them, please provide us with your email address linked to your Starfinder Kickstarter pledge.
Starfighter will be available in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for when they finally drop. Please note that shipping restrictions will be reviewed at the end of the month and will be lifted for European shipping only. It may be a little bit longer for international shipping to begin again.