Starfinder on Sale

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Starfinder on Sale

Starfinder on Sale

Greetings Earthlings.
Who wants to get their hands on some awesome Starfinder minis?

When can I get these Starfinder minis?

As of 14/10/2019 Starfinder miniatures will be available to purchase. Starting with seven stunningly detailed plastic miniatures, with more being added later. Sign up to our newsletter here and be the first to be notified when these awesome minis go on sale:

When Will the minis ship?

Shipping will start a week after the minis are made available on the store.

I backed the Starfinder Kickstarter, how do I get my minis?

We Currently have 6 of the Starfinder minis made, with the 7th of our own design, his name is Zo!
 If you are a Kickstarter backer, all you have to do is purchase any one of these minis and we will send you all of the original Starfinder ones. For example: order Zo! And you will get the other 6 minis for free. More info about Kickstarter fulfilment can be found here.

You will have to send us a message via the store with your KS details, and BOOM, all Starfinder minis will be added to your order.

Also, if you backed Starfinder and any of our projects, such as Chronicle X, Rampart or Dungeons and  Lasers. Send us a message via the respective pledge manager and we will have your 6 Starfinder minis shipped along with your 2nd wave of shipments (1st wave if with D&L).

Will you be at Essen Spiel?

Archon will be at Essen this year, we will have two stands, where we will be presenting the exciting, up and coming wargame: Starcide, our brand new modular terrain sets, Rampart  and our next Kickstarter board game: Castle Wolfenstien.

The Starfinder minis will be available on both stands. We will also be selling: Starcide minis, Rampart Sets and Empire of Men tanks.

Find us at:
1G152 (Wolfenstien)
6H119 (Starcide and Rampart)

We hope to see many of you there.

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