Starfinder: The Tooling begins!
As many, if not all of you, are aware, we here at Archon Studio have taken over the Starfinder license from Ninja Division.
We have decided that the best course of action will be to produce all of the Starfinder minis using our brand new plastic injection system.
What does this mean for all of you guys? We will be providing you with plastic sprues that will contain your minis. The production of our hard-plastic is the same process used by industry leaders, so plastic glue and clippers will be needed for you to build your minis.
These minis will come with easy to build guides and instructions. So the more adventurous crafters among you will be able to further customize your minis.

Additionally, each Starfinder character will come with a scenic base, that will help to make your miniatures pop when on the tabletop. Here you can see a render of the sprue layout as well as the tools that are being used to print the awesome hard plastic sprues. Each sculpt is digitally cut up and segmented on the sprue layout, which is then explicitly optimized to fit the most amount of plastic components on each sprue.

We will provide you with further updates as more minis are produced. In the mean time, if you wish to check out the quality of plastic that we are currently producing, you can check out our latest tabletop terrain projects here: