Welcome to the Safe Sector

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Welcome to the Safe Sector

Welcome to the Safe Sector

Starcide: Promethean Crusade is set in the distant future, where humanity discovered a rare material in Saturn’s rings—a condensed mass of quarks, packed denser than any natural atomic structure should allow. A substance forged in the heart of a supernova, Black Dust. 

After discovering its enormous potential as a fuel source, Black Dust became an essential component in creating jump points for interstellar travel, humanity rapidly expanded beyond the confines of the Solar System. In just a few centuries, they spread across the galaxy, forming new interstellar nations—royal houses, ruthless corporations, freedom loving republics, and oppressive tyrannies—all emerging from the fractured remnants of those who populated the Earth. As the centuries passed, these divisions only deepened, leading humanity to do what they do best—wage war. Countless lives were lost, and even entire systems erased from maps, yet after two hundred years of relentless conflict, there was no end in sight. 

The war didn’t stop due to diplomacy or even a change of heart, but out of sheer necessity. A far greater threat loomed on the horizon. Humanity’s first contact with an intelligent alien race, a parasitic species they called the Voidborne. This encounter proved that horrors done by humans’ hands pale in comparison to what lurks in the dark abyss… Ignorance can truly be a blessing. 

Faced with the threat of enslavement or total annihilation, humanity was finally able to unite, forming the Council of Humanity. Together, they drove the Voidborne from their systems and established a vast defensive network, protecting what became known as the Safe Sector. 

As this newfound alliance began to rebuild their worlds, offering humanity a glimmer of peace, another armada breached the Safe Sector, and started their crusade. A second encounter with an intelligent species. The Prometheans.

Sakura Corp

The Armory of the Stars Sakura Corporation, universally known as Sakura Corp, is a faction born from centuries of cultural blending between various Asian ethnicities and philosophies. They deeply cherish tradition while embracing technological advancement, ensuring neither is ever compromised.
The nation is led by Daimo, the official overseer of all business operations across the many worlds under Sakura Corp’s control. While some might perceive this as a form of tyranny, their society is built upon meritocracy. Individuals from lower social standings are often adopted by corporate leaders, becoming part of their “families.” Even the Daimo does not inherit power through lineage but instead selects a worthy successor from a group of carefully chosen candidates. Though his children can always hope for the best education to find themselves among that group.
As the frontrunner in humanity’s military technology and a paragon of precision and efficiency, Sakura Corp is widely regarded as the foremost authority in military production across the galaxy. Their fleet consists of elite professionals who undergo years of rigorous and disciplined training before ever setting foot in a cockpit. They mostly stay inside the Safe Sector and deal with internal problems or special tasks.

Their ships can be characterized by:
- Efficient ion engines designed for long usage, but allowing only medium maneuverability and speed.
- Standard armors.
- Standard shields. 
- Advanced rockets and missiles, created to quickly adjust power depending on the attacked targets.
- Efficient mining units.


The most dangerous region of the Safe Sector is its outermost boundary, known as the Redline. Supplies are scarce, stations and colonies are barely populated, and Voidborne attacks are more than just bedtime stories—they are a harsh reality. It is a lawless frontier, where the influence of the factions weakens, and outlaws hold sway. A place where danger lurks at every turn, both from the depths of space and from other humans.
Because of these harsh conditions, no regular military force can maintain a presence there. To address this, the Council of Humanity established a special defense force called Outrimmers—composed of their so-called “problematic” citizens. Or rather, problematic yet too valuable to just let go. Highly skilled individuals, including former officers, deserters, renegades, and fugitives with the necessary talents, were given a chance to defend the Redline.
While the original purpose was to create an elite defensive force, the Redline became something more—a place where one is no longer bound by the chains of the Council of Humanity. Here, survival depends solely on one’s wits, skill, and reflexes… and perhaps the loyalty of one’s comrades. Brothers and sisters united by their love for this wild, perilous, yet beautiful frontier. Place to be yourself. Be a warrior. Be fearless. Be free.

Their ships can be characterized by:
- Outdated engines barely catching up with standard speed and allowing limited maneuverability.
- No shielding system in their standard ships.
- Especially heavy armors made by multiple layers of metals.
- As missiles are too expensive for them, they mostly focus on kinetic guns and basic lasers in combat, with lower range.
- Heavy, big and slow mining unit, which can also process ships wreckage into resources.


Not much is known about this mysterious race. Their initial attacks took a devastating toll on human fleets before countermeasures could be developed. The attacks involved sudden fluctuation of gravitational waves, changes in time progression and all strange phenomena, outside of known physics. Only after humanity fleets adapted their shields, maneuvers, and interference protocols were they able to resist some of the damage. And start winning battles. Yet even then, the few bodies recovered from wreckage sites only created more confusion.
Their biological organization is pure nonsense. They lack reproductive organs, their digestive systems are barely functional, and no visible excretory structures exist. No naturally evolved creature could be born this way… at least, not a naturally evolved one...
Looking at their attack sites, they seem particularly interested in Black Dust. Yet their energy readings during jump point creation and gravitational disruptions suggest they are not using it as fuel—all of their systems operate without the need for sudden spikes of energy and what can be observed suggest that this is not only due to efficiency. Their technology far surpasses humanity’s, and they can clearly manipulate the very fabric of space-time so creation of jump points should not be an issue for them. But if that’s the case, then why are they so desperate to secure the Black Dust?

Their ships can be characterized by:
- Medium maneuverability and speed, but possess ability to interfere with other units speed or jump across the battlefield.
- Highly advanced shields with additional field disruptors.
- Not much focus on the armor, making it surprisingly standard in its parameters.
- Focus on controlling the battlefield with space-time fabric manipulation and shots disrupting enemy systems.
- Very efficient mining units.


The parasitic race known as the Voidborne can be best summarized as the plague of the cosmos. They roam endlessly from one galaxy to another, seeking new worlds to exploit. When they first encountered humanity, they did not appear particularly threatening. Despite their advanced technology, their ships designs seemed to value aesthetics over functionality—a baffling choice for humans. 
But as time showed, the Voidborne arrogance was not misplaced. While their ships were quite weak, their highly advanced energy weapons and numbers quickly showed their superiority. Then, they began to feed on humanity—turning people into their new hosts.
The Voidborne claim to be deathless, and disturbingly, this may be true. Within their ships one can find massive pools brim with a red liquid—a concoction of nutrients and stem cells synthesized using Black Dust. It seems to rejuvenates the body and cures any illness.
Only recently has humanity managed to push them beyond the borders of the Safe Sector. But they are still out there, lurking in the abyss of deep space, waiting for their next opportunity…

Their ships can be characterized by:
- Advanced though wasteful engines allowing incredible maneuverability, speed and extra evasion during fights.
- Highly advanced shields with an energy absorption system.
- Very weak armor and integral structure of the ships.
- Highly destructive antimatter cannons that create bursts of energy collected by the  shields absorption systems.
- Ability to create resources via energy conversion from harvested units.

…and there is more

Anyone interested in learning more about the lore and history of this world can look forward to our exclusive follower gift! It will be a printed edition of the comic book introducing everyone to the universe of Starcide. It showcases the many aspects and perspectives of the factions involved in the conflict that arise with the arrival of the Prometheans. As always, not everything is as clear as one might expect.

See you soon, Commanders.

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